Sunday, November 19, 2006

lunch time baby

its 12.15 on a sunday afternoon, THE WIFE is giving junior a bath, me mum is looking on and i am just being helpful by staying out of the way... for some reason, junior seems to take his bath quietly when me mum is around.. i think its the power of mums.. when mums out-numbers kids, the kids tend to toe the line and be angels....

i gave the in-laws and me mum a call at 7 that morning... they showed up just about 11.. the funny thing is, this is only the fourth or maybe fifth time that they met....

the doc showed up again at 1 in the afternoon... after giving THE WIFE the once over again, he declared that THE WIFE is fully dilated and we are ready to push.... everybody got into position..... we have been to the pre natal class, THE WIFE have read all the books she can get her hands on regarding child-birth, i have spent many hours over coffee with friends who have recently became daddies.... but nothing can really prepare us for this... after 20 minutes of heaving and pushing.. the doc decided that THE WIFE is not pushing right and he has to assist...

doc: shes not pushing right, we have to used the suction cup.
me: okay......
doc: we will place this cup over the baby's head, and when she push, i will help to guide him along... it would be easier for her and less stressful for the baby..
me: okay...
doc: dont worry about the head being pulled out of shape... new borns have soft skulls and should regain their orginal head shape after 1 or 2 days....
me: okay....

after the doc did the necessaries, the wife pushed one last time and juniour was out.. the nurse turned to the clock on the wall...
nurse: time of birth, 1.55pm
doc: congratulations, its a baby boy... that was the easy part, the hard part is bringing him up...
me: hmmm....
the doc finish up the procedures and shook our hands...

me: does this means our appointment this thursday is cancelled?
doc: well, unless you want to put him back... you will have an appointment next week to check on the stiches..

the doc rushed out the door before i can thanked him.... then it hit me.... the doc's clinic closes for lunch from 12 to 2... maybe thats why he showed up at 1... hmmm..........

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