Friday, October 31, 2008

two cakes for turning two

its 10 past 11 on a friday nite, the last day of october.... THE WIFE is washing up number two, junior is spending the nite at his wai gongs place, i am just enjoying the peace.... yes... today, two years ago, junior came to be.... i have been a daddy for two years..... two years of dirty diapers, nite feeds, tantrums, baby pao tiao and of course, my favourite, papa carry you.......

junior is becoming more and more like a little person.... with his own likes and dislikes.... he chooses which grand pa to play with, what shoes to wear, what cartoons to watch and of course what to eat.... junior is quite particular about what he eats... depending on his mood, he would swing between chicken rice, noodles or nothing at all.... he can go all day with just bottle milk and nothing else.... which could explain why he still poo once or maybe twice a week... i guess if nothing goes in one end, nothing much will come out the other... hmmm.....

the good thing about spending time at both grand parents is, you get to have two cakes on your birthday..... and the thing with a big extended family is, you get to celebrate birthday quite often.... me mom and number two are in sept, me sis and junior are in october, me old man and me fil are both in november, me bro and cusion edbert is in december, cousin izzac is in january, THE WIFE is in march and mine is in april..... i guess with birthdays lined up like that, putting on weight should not be a problem for junior... hmmmm....

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