Saturday, May 03, 2008

one plus one equals...

its 4.30 on a hot saturday afternoon, THE WIFE and junior are both having a lazy afternoon nap.... i am just having a lazy afternoon... the thing i find with naps is that they make time goes fast.... you pop into bed at two and in an instant, you woke up at four... where did that 2 hours go??... although surfing the net makes time flies too..... hmmm....

today we finally grill up the remaining two windows thats ungrilled.... the balconey and the kitchen.... it set us back by $520.... but i guess its money will spend.... junior is starting to climb chairs and i dont think it would be long before he reliase that there another world outside the window.... where theres cars and bus and blue skies and green grass..... more interesting than what we have in the house.... Junior is growing into his own little person... when he dont get what he wants, he would kick and scream and throw fits on the floor... but i found that if i talk to him in a calming voice, reason out with him, he would calm down and listen... here, we can see that a happy meal is a deflated balloon and an ice cream cone... although pants is still an option, hes still running around in diapers on most days.....

junior is getting bigger, its one of those things, you see them everyday, you wont see a difference... but when someone points it out, you suddenly realise, yeah... hes grown quite a bit... hes outgrown some of his clothes, shoes and hes getting tall enough to reach over the dinning table.... but he still looks pint size to me, although he is getting heavy to be carried around.... here we can see that junior is fast asleep in his supper high tech pram... it boasts a self containing air ventilation system, driver control steering wheel, which doesnt control anything and cup holder thats too small for most cups..... cool... useful yet useless at the same time.... hmmmm

junior is pick up quite a few words... he can point out to things and name them.... doors, lights, pictures, cars, bus, see saws.... all sorts of things... ive though him recently one puls one equals two.... and every now and then i would test him...
me: one plus one equals...
junior: too....
me: two plus two equals...
junior: too...
me: 100 divided by 50 times one equals....
junior: too....
me: sooooo clever.....

you get the drift.... every equals two to him.... hmmmm......

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