Sunday, February 24, 2008

needle equals pain

its 12 noon on a sunday afternoon..... THE WIFE and junior are having their nap and i am in front of the computer thinking of the curry puffs from old chang kee.... the thing with old chang kee is that if you have loads of it often enough, many years down the road, you will be old and chunky.... hmmmm....

we were at the docs for juniors 16 months jap.... frankly i have lost count of the number of injections that junior needs and when they are due.... THE WIFE is the one keeping tabs... me? i am just the one paying for it... whoever said that being a daddy dosent pay? i have been paying through my nose... hmmmm..... we were at the clinic at 11.30 for an 11 am appointment... the clinic is jam packed with parents with their babies and maids.... theres even one maid chasing behind some kid trying to feed her lunch or something..... the easy part is that junior dont need to be carried when we are waiting, he is able to wander around the play corner and mingle..... but among the kids at the play corner, he seems the smallest..... it wasnt long before his name were called and we were in the docs office....

doc: so why are you here today?
me: for his jap...
doc: oh... the 16 month one...
me: i think so....
doc: i see he can walk very well already..... does he response to his name? is he able to pick up small things with his two fingers? does he knows at least 10 words? can he point to his ear nose and mouth?
me: err.... yes.... yes.... i think so.... yes.... yes.....
doc: very good... he seems to know quite a few words.....
THE WIFE: yah... but he still looks pretty small to me....
doc: not to worry able that.... as long as he is eating well.... nature will take its course... but he seems to be slightly below the average weight and height for his age....
me: should i be worried?
doc: not to worry... its not too bad, he is still somewhere in the average.... right, daddy pull down his diapers.... the injection we are giving today might cause some rashes and a slight fever in five days time... if it happens, just give him some fever medicine
me: we just let the rash run its course? i dont have to come running back to you?
doc: no.....

with that, the good doctor jap junior in his little buns and junior let loose with his lungs.... tears are rolling down his little eyes.... junior is starting to associate the needle with pain... i wonder why..... hmmmm.....

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