Sunday, March 04, 2007

i'm the baby, gotta love me

its just past midnight on a sunday morning.... junior is in his cot, THE WIFE is having her shower and i am just having some 'me' time.... we were just back from me in-laws, juniors grand-daddys place...

we got this new ride for junior recently... and in the spirit of the chinese new year, we got it in red... it has three wheels which make for easier handling and it can be open and closed with one hand, or at least thats what the lady at the shop said.... rolls roys has its winged lady, jaguar has its cat, mercedes has its three pointed star and juniors ride has this blue elephant with poka dot ears... nothing like a cool figure head to show that you have arrived... hmmm....

i wont say that junior is cute, but so far i have three perfect strangers coming up to either me or THE WIFE and comment that junior is cute... that he has nice looking eyes and a big smile... lets see now... power puff girls, poki-mon, hello kitty, mickey mouse, garfield and most teddy bears, these are all cute stuffs, the common thing about them is that they have arms that dont seem to be able to reach over their big round heads... maybe thats why all babies are cute..... hmmm

this is junior with his cousin, izaac... he is about 9 months his senior... right now most of juniors stuffs are hand me down from big cousin izaac... and izaac seem to have an affection for junior, whenever they meet at me mums place, usually on a weekend, izaac would be giving him kisses by pressing his face on junior... yes this green ride is izaacs, that could be why he is keeping a watching eye when junior is test riding his ride... wouldnt want to scratch it or something... junior must have liked it so much that he decided to get the same ride but in red....

junior is at a stage where he will imitate whatever he sees... when i smile at him, he would smile back... when i stick out me tounge, he would stick out his... junior is always all smiles whenever he has enough sleep and milk... and dont worry, he is not been kidnapped by some hairy monster, its just daddy and junior sharing a haha....

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