Friday, December 22, 2006

double chins, just like daddy

its 20 minutes to midnight... three days away from christmas... THE WIFE just finished breast-feeding junior and is turning in, while i am in front of the comp hacking away... THE WIFE does most of the waking up in the middle of the nite to breast-feed, while i do most of the bottle-milk feed every other time... which is not often because junior seems to prefer breasts to bottle... hmmmm...

we were at the docs yesterday... it was our last visit to him... we were there for checks on THE WIFEs stiches and to run some test to see if everything is all right... we brought junior along and this would be the second time the doc meets him... well the first time was when he delivered him...

doc: hello... lets see... does he looks like the father or mother.....
THE WIFE: they say the father... got his eyebrowns and mouth...
doc: hmmm.... he looks a little like the both of you actually....
me: thats a first, most people said they looked like me...
doc: hes got big eyes... very alert.. right... today we are going to check the wound and do a pep smear... its shouldnt hurt too much...
THE WIFE: okay...

THE WIFE hop on the bed and the nurse readies her.. while i chatted with the doc

doc: she seems to have lost some weight...
me: is it? how heavy is she?
doc: 54.5kgs.... she was at her peak at 65 kgs....
me: how much was she when we first came?
doc: 45kgs.... slowly lah, it takes time...
me: can we take a picture together? you, us and the baby?
doc: sure....

the doc did the test and we took a picture after that....

doc: now the results for this test will be in in two weeks, if everything is okay, you dont have to come back but if theres something wrong, we will call you and make an appointment...
THE WIFE: okay...
doc: hope to see you again for your number two then...
me: for sure... in a year's time, we will be back.....

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