we were at the doc two thus back, there was only one couple before us, i was just staring at the six fishes in the tank in the waiting room, when our name was called..
doc: how are you this week? do you know how many weeks this is?
me:ehh, 32?
doc: good, you know... you are at 32 weeks and 1 day... so far any complains?
THE WIFE: i am starting to feel pukey again, cant really eat much too, seems to be full very fast
doc: well, the baby is taking up a lot of space, most of your internal organs are pushed up and squeezed together, thats normal... lets see how the baby is doing..
we all got into our respective places, by now we know the drill like the back of our hands...
doc: hmmm.... the baby looks all right, he is about 2.2 kgs now... the average is about 1.8-2 kgs... so he is a little on the heavy side...
me: does he still have a big head?
doc: well, he looks okay now, all the measurement looks all right.... cant really see his face though, he is facing the other side... looks like you still wont get to see his face....
back at the docs table...
me: so when will we actually decide if its going to be a normal delivery or a caesarean? is the baby going to get too big?
doc: anything below 4 kgs, we will go for a normal birth, we will only do a caesarean if its above 4 kgs.... dont worry, going by this rate, he will only be 3.5 kg, max...
me: okay..
doc: and the moon cake festival is coming, try to watch the mooncakes... dont want to over do it
THE WIFE: will try lah
our next appointment is in two weeks time, by my own reckoning, junior with come along late oct/early nov... i alrealy lost a big part of my freedom when i became a hubby, looks like i am gonna lose the rest of my time when i became a daddy....