Thursday, June 01, 2006

thats my boy, the flasher

Its four thirty in the afternoon, THE WIFE is having her usual post-pre nap and i am just shooting the breeze at the computer..... the wife is complaining that she is not putting on weight and that her tummy is not showing... now, thats something you dont hear women say everyday... i reckon most pregnant women would be envious of that... to put on as little weight as medically allowed, with as little stretch marks as possible..... the whole "look at me, i got my figure back ONE day after giving birth" every woman wants that.... right??

we went to the doc's in the morning... it will be week 16.. this is the week when i am suppose to fork out big money to pay for a package, blood tests and all that stuff... this will also be the week we find out if junior is gonna be a he or a she....... i had an agreement with THE WIFE, she will name the boy, i will name the girl... this way, one of us wins no matter which way junior swings.... she settled for Jayden, while i am still in a toss up between April and Sophie....

we got to the docs at ten in the morning... THE WIFE did the pee test and the nurse explained to us the blood test.. after that we went in to see the doc.... THE WIFE complained that she cant take milk, the doc explained that it could be due to the taste... THE WIFE mentioned that she is not putting on weight, the doc agreed..... after that she hoped on the bed...

doc: lets see now... the baby looks all right.... heres the head, it looks normal... heres the spine... heres the heartbeat.... lets see if we can tell if its a boy or a girl.... do you want a boy or a girl?
THE WIFE: either case is fine, but i think HIS MOTHER wants a boy....
doc:well.... looks like you wont have any pressure... its a boy.... see this little thing between the leggs?.... 99% sure its a boy....
doc:dont worry about the weight thing, the baby is fine, thats the important thing and as for the tummy not showing, for most 1st time mothers, the stomach muscle are still tort, it will hold the tummy in.

after the doc drew three tubes full of blood from THE WIFE, we made the next appointment for four weeks later. the whole package and blood test set me back 750 bucks... but at least i will get to see the doc for free till delivery day..... estimated 15 NOV.... four days after me own dad's birthday... how cool would it be if my junior and my senior were to share the same birthday?