Friday, April 28, 2006


its 5 to 8 in the evening... The WIFE is watching some Bandarous moive on the telly and i am just killing time on the comp.... never knew having a kid would be... dare i say it? and with pun intended... no kidding...... THE WIFE praticually cant keep anything down... she would be puking after breakfast, lunch and dinner... feeling sick the whole day, and crappy all evening... its just like PMS, only in this case its Permanent Mood Swings.

we went to the docs the week after the second visit... this would be our third visit... this time round, we are not newbbies, she waited for a full bladder before the appointment. after the normal rounds of questions with the doc, THE WIFE hopped on the bed and i focus me eyes on the little screen.... i see something like the yin and yan symbol on the screen, two crescent or sorts.....

doc: lets see now... hmmmm there it is... right there... everything looks alright...
me: my, he has grown quite a bit.. (pointing to the bigger half)
doc:huh? oh no, he is not that half, he is the other half... (pointing to the smaller half)
me:huh? is it? but the other half looks more like a baby...
doc: no... thats the cavity...

and then the doc pushed some buttons on the screen and the most amazing use i have ever seen for 3D effect appears.... the screen turn 3D and the doc was spining the baby and the cavity around...

doc: see? front view is like this, but when i swing this around, you can see, its a cavity..... so that would make that the baby...... and heres the heart beat....
me: wow!!!!! looks like a blinking cursor... very fast....

our next appointment would be four weeks later and hopfully THE WIFE would be feeling more better... she is starting to lose weight... yup, no doubt about it, she is losing weight, but more on that the next time....

Saturday, April 08, 2006

dirty screen

its 12.30 on a rainy afternoon, THE WIFE is napping and i just did the "dree" part of the laundry.... hmmm... THE wife has a nack of doing the "laun" while i wait around for an hour and do the "dree" part... well, she IS having the kid, she could shave my head bald while i sleep and i still wont hold it against her... i guess she could pretty much get away with murder right now.......

we went to the doc's the weekend after the second pee test..... just for the hey of it, THE WIFE actually did a third pee test just before we left for the doc's... just to be sure i guess, we DO need three points to draw a straight line.... it was our first visit to the gyne.... the doc was a friendly fella, after listening to us and the symptoms and the three pee tests, he smiled....

doc: i hope you have a full bladder
THE WIFE: not really, why? i just pee before coming here
doc: go have breakfast, have plenty to drink and come back when you have a full bladder
thirty minutes, a hearty breakfast and a big mug of soy milk later.....
THE WIFE: i really wanna pee
doc: thats good, you can pee after we do the scan
a while later......
doc: i see something
me: where?
doc: there, right here
me: is it? i thought thats a smudge on the screen, the screen is dirty or something
THE WIFE: i see something too!!

and there you have it folks, our pride and joy... a little smudge on the screen.... funny how pee has so far played a majour role in the making of this all...... the doc wants us to go back and see him again the following weekend... according to him, the little fella will grow at an amazing rate for the first few weeks....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

2 pink lines

its 10.30 in the evening, THE WIFE is in the shower and i am sitting in front of the computer surfing, one of the two excerise i do nowadays...... i am pretty new to this blogger thing, funny word "blog", sounds like something you get before a full blown pimple..... but hey, who am i to comment on this pre-pimple?

right, 2 pink lines.... it all happen eight long weeks ago, THE WIFE was two days late of the monthly event.... panicked.... pee on a stick.... and was ruinng to me in the hall where i was doing the only other excerise i do nowadays, channel surf the tv.... "do you see two pink lines?" she asked... i was like "whats that? is that a pee stick? why are you running in the house with a stick wet with pee?".. "do you see two pink lines??".... i took a close look, then it hit me, the strong and familiar smell of pee... "you are not suppose to smell it, you are suppose to see the window!!!" then i noticed, just above the pee zone, theres two windows each with a pink line in it.... " i think so, but aren't you on the flu medication or something? will that screw up this thing?"..... "i will try again tomorrow".... she tried again the next morning before i left for work..... sure enough the results was the same, two pink lines......

i am gonna be a daddy.... the thought that for once in my life i get to screw up some else's life for real seem to put a smile on me face and a song in me heart